Friday, October 7, 2016

connecting the dots

Connecting the Dots

Throughout my posts I do not know if there has been one central theme. I believe that my posts have been fairly independent of each other, but some of the prompts that I have had to answer have came from my experience at my internship. In terms of the second question I believe that my writing has been somewhat been connected to the course themes, but overall I have learned more after my blog has been posted. I believe that this comes from speaking about the blog posts in class after they are due. It is easy to relate to other posts and fully understand what you are talking about after you write it. Talking about it in class It is really easy to see the bigger picture and connect it to the overall theme of the course. This is because writing the blog post is my first exposure to the topic then we get to fully go over it in the class. I think that my writing has evolved somewhat because of the fact that my first blog post that I ever wrote was in this class and the only blog posts that I have written have been from this class. So overall the more I write blog posts the more I become a better writer overall. I have had some writing prompts in my life that have been like those in this class, but I feel that these posts are very independent of what I’ve done before. These posts are based on opinions more than many of my other posts, which actually makes writing here a lot easier. For future prompts I would like if they are less open ended and more directional. This is because it is less enjoyable to completely write an open ended prompt. I would relate this to the illinibuck prompt. That was my least enjoyable prompt to write, but I have found all the other prompts to be a lot more enjoyable.


  1. For future posts I would like to see more effort in their construction. This one happens to be well below the minimum word limit and we are well into the semester.

    1. my apologies for the short post this week. i was under the impression that because this weeks post was a peer review and not necessarily on topics discussed in class that it wouldn't have to be the full size. i should have asked.

  2. I agree with your statement that we tend to learn more in a classroom setting, of course discussion brings up ideas and questions which allows us to have a plethora of information to absorb and think about. I see your perspective on the idea that providing your own opinion and formulating the correct thoughts logically can be difficult.

    I have enjoyed a majority of the prompts because they allow you to explore and they leave open ended answers that create interesting blog posts.

  3. I find that our blog posts are most beneficial after attending our class discussion. Not only can we clarify confusion about concepts in our posts, but we also get other students perspectives on our writing as well. I fully believe that your blog posts will discuss more of the prompt going forward.
