Thursday, September 1, 2016


Christopher Pissarides Bio

The Economist that I was assigned to in this class is Christopher Pissarides. Christopher was born in 1948 in the village of Argos on the island of Cyprus. He received his Masters in Economics in the year 1971 from the University of Essex, and two years later he received his PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. Soon after he got his PhD he began teaching Economics at the London School of Economics, and also became the chairman for the Centre of Economics in London.

Christopher has many great accomplishments in the world of economics. He has many published papers that are very influential, such as, "Job Creation and Destruction and the Theory of Unemployment." He also has a published book that is very important in the world of the study of unemployment that is called, Equilibrium Unemployment Theory. He won the IZA Prize in Labor Economics in 2006, and most importantly won a Nobel Prize in economic sciences in 2010. This Nobel Prize was attributed from his work on "Match Theory" which is his theory for developing a matching function of the labor force. his work was able to explains flows of unemployment throughout the labor force.

Professor Pissarides is best known for his work in Labor economics, mainly dealing with unemployment. I think that this is very important in dealing with this class because his work can show us how organizations influence labor markets and the economic world. I find his work very interesting because I will soon graduate from the university and enter the job market which he has written many of studies on.

1 comment:

  1. In class yesterday we talked about search. Pissarides has done a lot of work about search and matching. Sometimes what matters in a search is not better or worse but is it a good fit. Matching is about good fits. And much of this research Pissarides did jointly with Dale Mortensen, with whom he shared the Nobel Prize. Mortensen was a teacher I had at Northwestern and he was on my dissertation committee.
